Development Info


Sole Developer & Musician



Development Time:

3 days

Release Date:

December 12, 2023

Game Info

Made in s&box in ~3 days. During this time I made all the gameplay, visuals, sounds, and music. It’s a 3D adaptation of one of my previous s&box games Tetros, but re-created for s&box’s new scene retooling.

Here’s a list of everything added since Tetros:

  • The game is 3D 📦
  • Beautiful Particle Effects ✨
  • Lovely Sound Design and Music by Me 🙋
  • There are 3 themes you can choose from which change the gameplay SFX and music 🎨
  • There are a bunch of settings to change how the game plays so you can play under certain rules ⚙️
  • Wall Kicks when rotating against a wall 🦵
  • Improved bag rotation 💰

You can also find the soundtrack for the game on Youtube.

Released on December 12, 2023