Development Info


Sole Developer


Playdate SDK

Development Time:

2 weeks

Release Date:

June 3, 2022

Game Info

An endless score/time chasing arcade game featuring Crunky, Crinkly, Crungulian, and many more zany Crunko Pops to explore in the Crunkipedia. As you get deeper into a run, more Crunko Pops will reveal themselves to you, and you must die at their hands to unlock their Crunkipedia entry. This means you have to risk potentially good runs for a chance at learning more about Crunkoland.

I made this game in a few weeks since I wanted to make a quick fun game for the playdate and I thought I had a quirky idea. I released the game for free and it’s somehow become one of my top earning games on purely from donations! The response to the game has been very heartwarming and I’m really glad people liked it.

Released on June 3, 2022