Keeping to Myself

I have always been one to keep to myself, and stay very cryptic about the games I’m making and other projects I’m working on. I don’t tend to share WIP screenshots or show what I’m working on until it’s done. I think this is because I don’t want to disappoint people if I don’t finish something, or if it doesn’t turn out the way I wanted it to. I also don’t want to spoil the surprise of what I’m working on. I like to keep things a secret until they’re ready to be shown off. I think this has come back to bite me for the worse.

It’s time to be more open and honest about what I’m doing, and what I’m working on. Accept that failure is a likely outcome and accept that someone else could take my idea and run with it. I can’t let those hypotheticals dictate my life and hold me back from what I love most.

Reading back over my 2023 Year-In Review post, it’s crazy how many things I either gloss over, tease indirectly, or straight up neglect to mention at all. I think it’s time to change that, build a proper community around my work, and be more open about it. I think I set up Crunky’s Fun Rager for failure from the beginning because I wanted the game to be a surprise drop… But I am not a known figure. Nobody cares to play a “Carson Kompon” game, they care to play a game that looks fun and interesting. So I need to show the world that my games are fun and interesting far before they’re released.

I hope to post more on twitter in the future, so follow me there if you’re interested in keeping up :)

Written on May 14, 2024